Discover your Career SUPERDRIVE™
As a HR professional or a Career Development Practitioner who is
Looking for ways to spark career conversations around career development, agility and mobility for your employees?
Trying to get your students to prepare for their internships, interviews and graduation?
Finding new avenues to encourage people to move forward?
Get going with Career SUPERDRIVE™ !
The Career SUPERDRIVE™ board game facilitates clarity, perspectives and possibilities. It enables people to
Uncover gems about themselves – Discovering Self and Story
Imagine how one would navigate potential career decisions and scenarios – Discovery Situation
Kickstart developing a career plan – Discover Strategy
Here's what people have to say:
"It was helpful in articulating my thoughts. The debrief was very insightful too. Loved what other players and the facilitator shared." – Student
"We got to hear the different perspectives and stories of other people. Good mix of serious and light-hearted questions." – Student
"It gives you that space to think of your passion, motivation and theme of your life." – Professional
"This is a remarkable re-thinking of what a board game can do for provoking high level self-enquiry. Career SUPERDRIVE™ creates conditions among the players in which they find themselves getting up into conscious awareness the answers to focused questions that they didn’t know needed answering. Amazing! And it’s fun, and happens in real time with real people, making real discoveries whilst at the same time addressing really key issues about career and life. After a professional lifetime giving one-on-one thought to careers with a wide variety of individuals, Career SUPERDRIVE™ is a remarkable breakthrough in how enquiry might happen and answers be found."
– Dr Paul Brown, Professor of Organisational Neuroscience, Monarch Business School Switzerland, author of "Neuropsychology for Coaches" and "The Fear-Free Organisation"
In the Career SUPERDRIVE™ starter kit, you’ve got:
Questions to enable people to Discover more about their Self, Story, Situation and map out a Strategy.
Real-life Scenarios to evoke responses and discussion
Financial realities to simulate financial situations.
Debrief Sheet to capture reflections and launch into discussions
Facilitator Guide with practical how-tos and recommended steps
Editions available: Professional (~20 + years), Students (~15-20 year olds).
To get started, get a Career SUPERDRIVE™ starter kit @ S$649* for:
2 x Career SUPERDRIVE™ Board Game Kits**
1 x Career SUPERDRIVE™ Facilitator guide
*Excludes delivery charges
** Return Policy: No refunds, we will exchange if the parts are defective or damaged (but not due to shipping and handling)
If you've got more queries, would like a customised version, place orders, have us design and facilitate a session, drop us an email at hello@myworkingtitle.xyz. To become a certified facilitator, you can find out more here.
Let's inspire and empower more to design their careers today! #carpediem