"What if my Career is ... 'meh'?"
Supporting Resources

Hi everyone,

Thanks for tuning into the video – here are some more resources to help you along in your journey:

Online networking: You can connect with some of the HR professionals here:

Links given by the speakers:

How to generate your Working Titles

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A little bit about My Working Title

We are more than a company providing career consultancy, tools and programmes. We are also a movement where we want to inspire and empower people to own and drive their own career-life. Career design as a practice is very nascent in Singapore and Asia, and we aim to raise awareness about the need, the research on it and also share practical handles for continued employability and effectiveness.

Since our launch in September 2017, our products and services have extended to 19 countries. Our clients include LinkedIn, Unilever, Grab, Shopee, NUS Business School, GIC, Aviva, and Workforce Singapore Group.

If you’ll like to find out more, reach out to us at hello@myworkingtitle.xyz