Get Started with Team SUPERDRIVE™
As a team leader, are you looking for ways to build a higher performing team? Are you running out of ideas for team bonding? (No, you don't want to climb any more trees or do a trust fall...)? Do you have a new team and want to build alignment?
Get going by playing Team SUPERDRIVE™ with your team! Contact us about running a Playshop, where team members play seriously with each other to:
Open up new points of views and surfaces areas for team discussions
Reflect on personal and team values, behaviours and actions, in a safe and playful manner
Simulate real-world disruptions for reflection and action
Gain clarity and perspective on the current individual and team states, and serve as a launchpad for future action
Bring alignment on the team's strategy and goals
The Team SUPERDRIVE™ Starter Kit is also available for purchase.
In the Team SUPERDRIVE™ starter kit, you'll get:
Questions to enable your team to Discover more about their Self, Story, Situation and map out a Strategy. The questions are designed based on team performance elements e.g., collaboration, dynamics, self and team awareness etc
Real-life Scenarios to evoke responses and discussion
Team-Based Realities to simulate team collaboration
Debrief Sheet to capture reflections and launch into discussions
Facilitator Guide with practical how-tos and recommended steps
With these resources, as a team lead, you will be able to have deeper team conversations, facilitate peer feedback sessions and align your team toward common goals.
Get a Team SUPERDRIVE™ starter kit @ S$649* for:
2 x Team SUPERDRIVE™ Board Game Kits**
1 x Team SUPERDRIVE™ Discovery Debrief Playsheet
1 x Team SUPERDRIVE™ Facilitator guide
You can also opt to add on another S$1,000* for:
1 x 1 hour pre Playshop meet up/ video call for a team consultation with our team coaching specialists
1 x 1 hour post Playshop meet up/ video call for follow up actions to sustain the momentum
*Excludes delivery charges
** Return Policy: No refunds, we will exchange if the parts are defective or damaged (but not due to shipping and handling)
If you've got more queries, would like a customised version, place orders, have us design and facilitate a session, drop us an email at hello@myworkingtitle.xyz.
Supercharge your team today! #carpediem