Be Inspired
Building your Skills Portfolio Beyond Digital Skills
AI, blockchain, machine learning are the key skills in demand. While it is good to acquire them, don't neglect these 3 key tips in designing your career for greater employability.
The Counter Intuitive Thing HR Professionals Need to Do -- Ignite Purpose
In times of crisis, when the business is pivoting, stresses amount because of changes, it is tempting for HR professionals to ditch personal career development.
Sign up for online Career SUPERDRIVE™ Masterclass!
Partnering with Workforce Singapore and PCDA (People and Career Development Association), we bring to you this Masterclass on Career SUPERDRIVE™ Certified Facilitator Programme.
Ask-Me-Anything (about your career) Videos
Keen to find out what employers are looking for in this pandemic-impacted economy? Check out our series of videos created -- with key interviews and panel sessions with top relevant professionals.
#LevelUP your Career with these Free Resources
Together with the National Youth Council of Singapore, we bring to you Career #LevelUP -- workshops and resources to jumpstart your career in these uncertain times. Sign up now at www.careerlevelup.sg
How COVID-19 Has Changed Hiring And Job Search And How To Be Successful (Repost)
The rules have changed. Read on to find out how you can adapt to the changes and increase your chances of getting an interview.
How Often Do People Change Jobs During a Lifetime? [Repost]
It is Chinese New Year soon, and it is a good time to do some career spring cleaning. Quick tip from us – don't get just all caught up with employment and neglect your employability. Good recommendations from this article on how to stay fresh.
Millennials need ‘soft’ skills to thrive in careers and adapt to changes [Repost]
Technical skills are still highly valued. With increasing speed of change, technical skills get obsolete fast. Employers are increasingly looking to hire applicants who display a growth mindset, to be willing and able to adapt.
The New Intelligence Test for Finding the 3 M’s
A GPA of 4.0 doesn’t matter if the applicant hasn’t mastered technology, friendship, or the ability to learn and lead... Grit + Imagination + Skills = The new measure of intelligence.
5 Career Trends that are Happening Now (and what you can do about it)
Darlene, my co-founder and I shared these career trends at our recent Community of Practice, My Working Title SUPERHIVE and thought you might just want to know about it too.
Preparing Ourselves for the Future of Work
Don't get swept away by the tidal wave. Take steps, today.